

Diwali- a reflection on Light

Maybe it is about time to post something again after 6 months of complete silence... : ) Well, I needed to take a time out to reflect on my life and to stay quiet. Sometimes there are changes in life that are so sudden and so strong that our whole life and especially our perception of life changes within a minute and you just know that there is no way to go back. Other times, the changes come gradually, as from behind and slowly push you into a new direction. 

In whatever way, package or form the change comes in, one thing is for sure and that is actually that life is constantly changing, no? Is there anything that ever stays the same in the external world? Internally, we can find something maybe, of a more constant nature, but as our awareness and receptivity expands even that perception will change, no? So what is it, that we really can hold on to? 

If we peel of the layers of our body, the layers of our mind, feelings, thoughts, memories, experiences,  what is actually left? What is that source behind the body, mind, feelings, ego, thoughts etc? Why do we cover that source so intensely with making ourselves busy and preoccupied thinking of other things, almost as if running away from that question? 

Yesterday, was the last day of Diwali. The celebration of Light and the Goddess Lakshmi in India. It is celebrating the Light that shines even in the darkest times. The light reflected within our hearts. What is that light within our hearts, that shines so strongly underneath all our layers and can make us so radiant when we come in contact with it? What is the light in your life? What makes your heart shine? 

Take a look at this wonderful reflection of sunlight. The sun is at the bottom and it is reflecting itself in so many ways. Imagine our own beautiful and positive potential when we come in contact with the depth of our heart and the light that we do reflect! The sun in this photo is almost like a radiant Heartchakra reflecting up to the Crownchakra , spreading all over the sky. Or the other way round, the universal light goes from the top through a channel down to the core, the Heart!

No matter if we believe in or maybe feel uncomfortable with chakra-talk and divine light  etc, I think we can all agree on that light is reflected when it hits an other object. I am convinced that if we take this opportunity in life to polish and make our own hearts shine like the most beautiful, radiant star it will surely be reflected in others and if will bring about so much healing to the people around us and to this planet. As all the big philosophers say; to change the world you have to begin with yourself.

Happy Diwali,


Celebrating the Feminine principle

I'm sorry for not posting anything for ages. It has been a time full of changes and happenings so I chose to stay quiet for some time  : )

However, last saturday I got the chance to share a night full of Bhakti with many other devoted people. The music went on the whole night and we sang Bhajans, Mantram and Kirtan one after the other.

It was the last day of the Navaratri, an Indian festivity that goes on for nine days to celebrate and honor the Divine Mother, the Shakti or Feminine principle in the Universe. Hence, most of the bhajans and mantras were dedicated to Radha, Lakshmi, Durga etc.

Wish you all a wonderful beginning of the spring, at least if you are on the northern part of this globe... : )

With Love


A winter's night with Kundalini yoga

I know that I promised to write about Pratyahara, but last week I attended a wonderful evening at a  Kundalini yoga centre here in Stockholm.  I just had to write something about that first!

The centre is situated on a small island. We could actually see ships passing by outside the window. Yes, even though it is winter in Sweden... : )

Surya Kriya

The class was working on invoking Surya, the Sun. Bringing light and creating heat in our practice- because it is winter, and we all could need a litte Light in our body and mind.

Heating and Cooling

All the asanas (physical yoga postures) we perform either have a heating or cooling function. We can also change the quality of an asana that normally would be heating by combining it with a cooling breath. That way it would become cooling. It is the same if we have a toning and cooling practice we can increase the heat by using a warming breath.

The pattern of an Asana practice

The usual pattern is that we first bring up the heat, to cleanse our body and mind, to reduce waste, change water and energize ourselves. Then we can finnish the practice with a more cooling and toning approach- to internalize the increased Prana and to build up and nourish the tissues and to create a stable and relaxed mind. Getting ready for meditation!

Of course there are certain practices that are more heating or cooling in their nature.
Therefor we should try to understand the effects of our Yoga practice and know what we can do to balance it, if needed!

Living in a place that is really cold in the winters combined with studying Ayurveda, makes me more aware of the heating and cooling aspects of food, yoga practice, life-style etc. It is more important than you might think!

Live music in Shavasana

We ended the heating Kundalini practice with some soothing music and Shavasana. We were blessed with a teacher who could truly sing.  The teacher played the guitar and sang the most beautiful mantras.

We were all were laying down and could just drift away, along with the sounds of the guitar and the teacher's voice. Once again I was reminded of the incredible power of music!

Sometimes it is easy to forget that it is all just about vibrations. We send them out, they are out there, and we receive vibrations. Harmonius music is a great gateway to open up the heart and mind.

Wish you all a happy weekend with lots of music and sunshine!


Grounding with Yin Yoga


Many times, simply sharing a space in quietness has a tremendous healing power. I am sure that silence and quietness is needed more than ever in this time that we are living in, especially if you stay in the city far away from natural sounds like the sound of water, wind and fire. 

When the mind is up in the sky : )

Recently I've been busy and I've been feeling ungrounded. Too much Vata-energy and I can feel that it is strongly connected to the life-style of being in a city. So to deal with this inner turbulence of mine I knew that Yin yoga would be the best antidote.

Yin Yoga

I found a Yoga studio in Stockholm that offered 1hr 45 minutes of precious, heartful and graceful Yin yoga. Thank you! Can you imagine something more nourishing than Yin yoga when you feel this way?

The practice totally saved me! Instead of doing it at home, I am so happy to have taken the time to go there and squeeze in my mat between the 30 other Yoginis and Yogis. Together we could breathe, rest, open our deep tissues and stay quiet. Observing the currents of Prana and the movements within. Yin yoga is a great way to start practicing Pratyahara.


Pratyahara, the 5th limb of Ashtanga(8 limbs) yoga, needs more explanation so next time I will talk about that!  I will talk about what we choose to stimulate our senses with and what exactly does the ordinary definition of Pratyahara mean? Withdrawal of the senses... ?
To be continued...

Hari Om to you all!
Love and Light


Join our Sugarfree month!

No sugar, please

Two days ago, I started on an other sugarfree month together with my brother and his girlfriend. I have done it before and I know that it is better for my body this way. 

So why don't you join us and try to cut out all the white sugar and sweets, candy, chocolates, sodas, jams and see what happens?

Practicing Tapas

Say no to sugar is a perfect way to practice Tapas. Tapas as in yoga and not as the spanish food : )

Tapas is a great way to develop inner strength, radiance and willpower! When we perform some kind of tapas, we are giving up something in order to reclaim the power of ourselves and not be slaves under impulses from the senses.

Let's give this as a sacrifice to the deep fire within our heart. This way we begin to burn old Samskaras, habitual negative patterns that bind us to the law of Karma.


I like these kind of personal experiments. They always teach me something about myself and it makes me look upon my actions, thoughts and emotions- sometimes with a totally new angle but sometimes it just gives me more confidence of something I already knew.

What do you have to loose?

Come on, just give it a try! Cut out the sugar for some time and let your bloodsugar-level take a rest.  Nobody will punish you if you can't make it, so really, you don't have anything to loose! And remember, completing one day is always better that no day!

Good luck!

Lots of Love and Namaste to you all.


Morning yoga

Last night I decided that it's about time to get some routine again after Christmas and New Year!

Just doing my own yoga practice combined with catching a slow winter's cold made me not take a class in something that feels like for ages.  So with all the outward directed energy around Christmas and New Year, it is now time to breathe, feel, observe, smile and move again!

Therefor I will start this monday morning, this week and this day-after-fullmoon with taking a Hatha yoga class in Stockholm.

How will you start your day?

Hari Om and Namaste!